Carly Simon “Anticipation” album cover


I’ve got Carly Simon’s Greatest Hits somewhere but never play it. I seem to listen to more audiobooks than music as I get older. The cover of one of her albums was shot at some fancy gates on the edge of Regents Park. As I was in Euston and was walking up to the hotel in I decided to seek out the exact gate.


There were some cyclists having a chat in a circle just by the gates. I was hoping they’d move when I started taking photos of an open gate but they didn’t. Up close it looks like the same one - built-to-last Victorian stuff. The cyclists deviated from their chat wondering why I was so interested into an open gate but I’ve learnt to ignore people giving me quizzical looks. Any good geek worth their tweed knows the gates feature on a famous album cover.



Heading up to the park…


After five minutes you see the Queen Mary garden entrance…


This looks like it…





This woman is even cooler than Carly…


Taken from inside Regent’s Park…