Here I am stood by the home of the former Prime Minister. Edward
was a bachelor - unusual for someone in the top job - and apart from some money
going to his brother's widow and housekeeper he left his home and £5 million estate
to charity.
died in this charming mansion from pneumonia at 7.30pm on Sunday 17th July 2005
aged 89. He was cremated days later at a funeral service attended by 1,500
people. Even though I was just a nipper I can remember him being in power - his
heavy round Benny-Hill-type face and deep voice. He seemed ancient but was only
in his fifties. His tenure as Conservative Prime Minster from 1970 to 1974 wasn't
successful and he only remained in power for one term. He was subjected to ferocious
assaults from within the party and ousted by Margaret Thatcher (he never forgave
her.) Your view on him may be determined by his crowning achievement and his
lasting legacy after more than half a century in the House of Commons - to lead
Britain into Europe. Members of Parliament were unevenly split by this - some considered
it a masterstroke but most thought it so disastrous they treated Edward with
something near revulsion. His term in power was also marked by numerous strikes
from unions who he was always at loggerheads with. The country reduced to a
three-day week, rubbished piled up in the streets, the miners threatened to
bring his government down and electricity went off (I can remember my mum
lighting a few candles around the fire.)
did very well to say he was a builder's son from Broadstairs
in Kent who reached the top by hard work and determination. For 20 years he
lived here in this beautiful Grade-II-listed house called Arrundells
facing Salisbury Cathedral (his ashes are in there.) He died here too aged 89
from pneumonia. He’d been in poor health for two years having suffered a
pulmonary embolism while on holiday in Austria.
in Salisbury I thought I’d have a walk down to the cathedral and look at his
house - rather huge for a singleton. I remember him well as all through my
boyhood he seemed to be in the news. He came across as being posh but he was
the Conservatives first working-class prime minister, the son of a housemaid
and a carpenter. These days you can visit Arundells
and its gardens; it's a charitable organisation. The tall gates were locked on
the day I called by. Not many working-class folk make it to number 10. I did a
salute and left.