Sir Walter Raleigh led an adventurous
life as an Elizabethan spy and explorer. You’d think he may have died after
landing on an unexplored island laden with hostile natives or from being
captured, speared by enemies or shot in a duel. He had his head cut off though
and here I am near the Houses Of Parliament (or Palace Of Westminster) where he
breathed his last breath in 1618 aged approximately 65 years old.
Walter was Queen Elizabeth's favourite courtier
but shortly after her death he was accused of participating in a plot to
overthrow her successor King James I. Although innocent he was found guilty of
treason at a sham trial and put in the London Tower. He remained there for
about thirteen years. Eventually the King pardoned him and he was released and
made second expedition to locate El
Dorado (a city of gold in Venezuela.) While there his men attacked a Spanish
colony (a violation of the terms of his release.) This meant the Spanish
ambassador demanded the death sentence be reinstated. King James had little
choice but to obey and on Monday 29th October 1618 Walter was brought here to
Old Palace Yard across the road from the Houses Of Parliament. Not paralysed by
fear he was still able to speak and said to the axe man, "Let us
dispatch!" He added, "At this hour my ague comes upon me. I would not
have my enemies think I quaked from fear." He gave a long speech to the
audience and was allowed to see the axe that would cut through his neck minutes
later. He ran his thumb along the blade and commented, "This is a sharp
Medicine, but it is a Physician for all diseases and miseries." After
putting his head on the block he shouted "Strike, man - strike!” It took
two swings of the axe.
I had a stroll around the square in the sun. Nobody
knows the exact spot where the executioner's block stood. This area is called
Old Palace Yard. It stretches from a restricted area (full of concrete
barriers) which is now the House Of Lords car park to the where I’m stood. Guy
Fawkes was also brought here to be hanged but he dived head first off the
scaffold breaking his neck. I had a lot of places to visit that day and only
just resisted the temptation to visit Walter who, oddly, lies about 80 feet
away in St Margaret’s Church (will visit his tomb one day.) For about thirty
years Sir Walter's wife kept her husband's head in a red velvet bag and after her
death it was returned to his body.
He is a Sir
Walter Raleigh data dump:-
1. He was born into a privileged, land-owning family in Devon and
became a soldier in his teens.
2. The Queen adored him so much she knighted him in 1585 granting him
land and titles. It’s thought he whipped off his cloak and laid it across a
puddle for the queen to step across.
3. He married secretly to one of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting,
Elizabeth Throckmorton but without her permission. Bride and groom were thrown
in the Tower of London but released after a few months.
4. He searched for the lost city of gold El Dorado in Venezuela
(twice) but never found it.
6. He
popularised tobacco after bringing samples of crops to show the Queen. He’s
credited with bringing potatoes and tea to England?
7. He was
wealthy as he had a monopoly on wine licences (granted to him) but spent money
almost as quickly as it came in.
8. His cell
in the Tower of London was rather comfortable and contained a wooden desk on
which he hand-wrote and illustrated his two volumes of History of the World
(about ancient Greece and Rome). He also had access to a full library.
9. A chaplain
attending Raleigh at his execution later wrote that he was “the most fearless
of death that was ever known; and the most resolute and confident, yet with
reverence and conscience.”
10. His
official family lineage has ran out but perhaps it still exists today as while
in Ireland Walter had an illegitimate daughter with a local woman named Alice Goold (but she died in the plaque.)