John Lewis grave (30th March 1855 to 13th January 1926)


Supporters of Blackburn Rovers Football Club know of John Lewis even though he died in 1926. He was a referee, a player and one of the founders of the club. Here I am at his grave in Blackburn Cemetery - where else would he lie? The grave used to be grey and grimy but was restored to its former glory a few years ago, the costs having been met by Blackburn Rovers


John was 20 years old when he founded the football club and played for them for a few years. He was badly injured in a skating accident which spelt the end of his career. He became a respected referee from the earliest days of organized football earning himself the nickname 'Prince of Referees'. He was the referee in the three FA Cup Final (1895, 1897 and 1898).


Away from the came he was a coachbuilder, a strong component of the temperance movement and during World War One he was a special constable.


I'm not interested in football but while visiting the cemetery I felt compelled to seek him out and salute. He was 70 when he died and there was a healthy turnout of mourners when he was lowered into the soil. The grave is bright white but is beginning to fade. I did a salute and left.








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