Sydney and Eva Larkin grave


Here I am at St Michael’s church on Church Street in Lichfield. Though the first photograph shows me in what looks like a rural setting there’s quite a busy road about forty feet in front of me.


I had a grainy photograph of Sydney and Eva’s grave and showed it to a woman who was walking her dogs behind the church. Though she walked them in the cemetery daily she didn’t recognise the grave in the photograph. I though I’d gone to the wrong church.


I found Sydney and Eva though after about fifteen minutes of looking at headstones spread out sporadically across the fields. Off a narrow dirt path I spotted a raft of old dark headstones together on their own among the trees. I’m surprised Philip isn’t buried here as most of the graves had “Larkin” on them. Sydney was probably the type of man who did the right thing and this included being buried among his own type.


Sydney and Eva lie together without a proper vertical headstone.



Many Larkins’ grave are off this path away from the church…


His dad Sydney…


…and his mum Eva…




There were a few Larkins there…