Here I am in a corner of Rochdale Cemetery over the bones of
former tax clerk Stefan Kiszko. He represents one of
the worst miscarriages of justice. I can remember the case being on the television
news and him being sent to prison for life for killing a child. He suffered
sixteen years in behind bars, tarnished by a high profile story that ensured inmates
thought he’d sexually assaulted an 11-year-old before stabbing her in the heart.
He was eventually cleared by forensic evidence and released in 1992. It was too
late though - his mental and physical states worsened over his time in prison
and he died 20 months after his release without receiving the full £500,000 compensation.
got lucky finding his grave. I had a close up photograph of the headstone but
there was no distinguishing background features telling me where it was in Rochdale’s
main cemetery. After fifteen minutes I happened on a cluster of graves bearing foreign
names and spotted it. Oddly all the time I was in the cemetery I could hear the
undulating crowds a football match at a stadium further down the road.
hell began when an 11-year-old girl Lesley Molseed
didn't return home. She'd been born with a congenital cardiac condition and was
frail (a heart op when she was three didn’t work.) She was three stones heavy and
four feet tall. In October 1975 her mum
sent her to the local shop for some bread but she never returned. A big police
search began and Lesley’s dead body was found above a remote lay-by near Rishworth Moor ten miles away. She was lying face down and
had been sexually assaulted and stabbed 12 times. The knife had nicked her
heart resulting in death. Police forensics also found dry wallpaper paste on
her and semen on her skirt and knickers.
murder was big national news. Everyone in Rochdale knew about it including four
local girls who claimed that Stefan had indecently exposed himself to them the
day before the murder. Stefan was 23‑year‑old local tax clerk of
Eastern European descent (his folks had came here after the Second World War to
work in the cotton mills.) He'd never been in trouble with the police but they
considered him an oddity. He was about 12-years-old mentally and emotionally, a
child in a man's body. This friendless lumbering simpleton fitted their profile
and they only latched onto 'evidence' that would incriminate him. He was
arrested a few weeks after the murder and forced to confess to the murder after
three days of pressure. He was alone without a solicitor and requests to bring
in his mum were denied. He was taken to prison despite retracting his
confession and at the trial in July 1976 was sent to prison for life. Oddly
there was no solid evidence to condemn him. The sperm found on Lesley’s body
was not Stefan’s and after breaking his ankle and being fat he wouldn’t have
been able to haul a body up the slope to the murder spot. On the day of the
murder he was with his aunt tending to his dad's grave in Halifax but witnesses
were not called. After sentencing the judge praised the police and the girls
who claimed Stefan had flashed his dick at them.
inmates made Stefan’s life unliveable - a chubby dim-witted kid killer who
deserved an onslaught of taunts, attacks and death threats. Outside his mum was
living in misery and the Molseed family gave her
volleys of abuse and said her perverted son should hang. Her lad was innocent but
the audience who people's who'd listen got smaller. Aged 27 Stefan developed
schizophrenia and for a decade lived in a vortex of paranoia and delusions.
Years were spent in the prison’s hospital wing. He was told that parole was
only possible if he admitted to murder. He maintained his innocence but not his
sanity and aged 39 he was transferred to Ashworth's mental hospital.
1984 a solicitor examined the case but it was seven years until the Home Office
checked the evidence. There were blinding errors: Stefan could not produce
sperm due to unformed testicles, a witnesses had seen him tending his father's
grave on the day of the murder and the four girls who said the weirdo flashed
at them admitted they’d lied. He was allowed home in April 1992 after 16 years
but his brain was a burnt-out wreck and he became a recluse. He was due
£500,000 compensation but died of a heart attack at home aged 41 having
received a part payment. Thirty-one years after the murder a violent comic book
dealer called Ronald Castree was arrested for the
murder. A sex attack showed his sperm to be the same as that on Lesley's clothes.
took a few shots of the grave and thought what a sad story lies here. Stefan is
buried here with his mum who lived for just four months after his death. It
wouldn’t have surprised me if she’d wished herself to an early death after such
a long sorrowful saga. You see these television dramas where police force a
gormless-faced simpleton sign a confession but you don’t think it happens do
you? I was glad I’d found the grave as it was my second attempt. I did a stiff
salute watched by a man spreading white stones on a neighbouring grave and
The following
weekend on route to Hebden Bridge for an
afternoon’s walking I went onto the A672 to find the spot where Lesley had been
dumped. The long road took me out of dense Oldham’s suburbia onto the desolate
rugged moors. I had memorised a photograph of police parked by the lay-by and committed
the shape of the surrounding terrain to memory. Eventually I spotted it and pulled
in as Castree must have done under the cover of
darkness. At noon cars pass every four or five minutes.
not sure how Lesley’s body was found as there’s no need for anyone to climb up
the embankment. I scrambled up thirty feet of muck and foliage to find nothing
there except a barbed wire fence surrounding an empty field. It wasn’t arduous
getting up there. A scared murderer powered by adrenaline could easily get a
four stone body up there. There’s a convenient rock up there to remember Lesley
but this is about thirty feet away from the top of escarpment where Lesley was dumped. The
police though Castree had posed the body so perhaps
had a torch to see what he was doing.
at the lay-by two lads were sat in a car eating burgers and throwing me odd
glances. They must have wondered what I was doing up there, oblivious to it
being part of a sad story of murder and injustice. I waited for them to go and
took a few photos, did a heart salute at the flat bit where Lesley was found
and left. Weeks later I found Lesley's grave in the same cemetery.
There's a documentary here...
Where Lesley's body was found...
Ronald Castree
was the murderer...
Lesley's Grave...