Love You Because You're Fat


I was sat in my car in a cemetery in Rotherham having a coffee and a sandwich. I'd been looking for a grave and was disappointed as it had alluded me. Cars were parked on each side. It was a warm day and I had both front windows down. Two women who knew one another were returning to their cars at the same time and were glad of this coincidence. I listened to their conversation. They must have been firm friends, cousins or sisters as the conversation wasn't of a general nature where safe topics are visited. Neither were overweight or unsightly but as they parted one said, "Love you because you're fat" and the other replied "Love you because you're ugly." They got in their cars and left.


I found a piece of glass in the spare room and was going to throw it away but thought I'd cover it in paint. I recalled that conversation, the "Love you even though you're fat...." and did a fat love heart. It made for a pleasurable hour.




